Barchester Towers-Part 1
by Anthony Trollope (1815 - 1882)
Who will Be the New Bishop? - 24:31
Hiram's Hospital, According to Act of Parliament - 19:21
Dr.and Mrs. Proudie - 19:29
The Bishop's Chaplain - 20:23
A Morning Visit - 23:49
War - 36:54
The Dean and Chapter Take Counsel - 18:53
The Ex-Warden Rejoices in His Probable Return to the Hospital - 20:21
The Stanhope Family - 36:21
Mrs. Proudie's Reception--Commenced - 29:43
Mrs. Proudie's Reception--Concluded - 36:48
Slope versus Harding - 22:18
The Rubbish Cart - 23:58
The New Champion - 21:36
The Widow's Suitors - 30:59
Baby Worship - 35:07
Who Shall Be Cock of the Walk? - 21:46
The Widow's Persecution - 24:23
Barchester by Moonlight - 29:08
Mr. Arabin - 35:49
St Ewold's Parsonage - 31:12
The Thornes of Ullathorne - 38:03
Mr. Arabin Reads Himself in at St. Ewold's - 24:24
Mr. Slope Manages Very Cleverly at Puddingdale - 33:24
Fourteen Arguments in Favour of Mr. Quiverful's Claims - 25:04
Mrs. Proudie Wrestles and Gets a Fall - 33:20